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5 Mar

As part of their teacher’s course on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), 5th class have been developing their skills in thinking like a scientist. Yesterday, we focused on observing and inferring and tracked our lesson on Twitter. We used Storify to collect all of the Tweets for the lesson into one story – check it out underneath!  

5 Feb

‘I’m freezing!’ ‘It’s miserable out there today.’ ‘Is it ever going to stop raining?’ In Ireland, we’re all a bit weather-obsessed, but this Winter has taken things to a new level! This week, we’ve decided to embrace the obsession and to make it the focus for ‘Wednesday for Parents’. We give you a number of suggestions that are perfect to learn a bit more about how the weather works! To help out, we’ve included a list of what you’d need to carry out the experiment. Make your own frost with this experiment. You’ll... 

8 Jan

Welcome to a brand new year of Wednesday for Parents! It seems fitting to start the year with a post on resolutions – digital resolutions! I found this post over the holidays on ‘10 New Year’s Resolutions for Digital Families‘ on and they’ve kindly agreed to allow me to share it here. has an excellent blog with fantastic resources for parents about safety online. The author of the post, Tim Woda, also has a number of excellent resources on his blog – which you can find here. These resolutions are practical, easy to implement and really... 

9 Dec

On Friday, Ms Kane finished her placement with 5th class in St Peter’s. The theme for her five weeks was ‘South America’ and 5th class are now experts on all things South America! We were really lucky to have Ms Kane as a teacher and the boys commented this morning on how strange it was not to have her in the classroom. Her lessons were always interesting and creative and she had a great rapport with the boys.  Here are some of our favourite things that we covered during Ms Kane’s placement: I loved making the tribal masks – Aaron J I liked learning about the Voladores,... 

7 Dec

Over the past few weeks, St Peter’s has been a hive of activity preparing for our Mini-Scientist Showcase. You can see all of our previous posts about preparing for it here! We were delighted to welcome two judges from Intel to the school – Sarah and Emily. We’ve had plenty of interaction with them over the past few months, by email and on Twitter so it was lovely to put faces to names! All of the staff remarked on how much time and attention that the judges gave to each project. It was an amazing opportunity for the students to present their work and to answer questions about... 

6 Nov

Hello bloggers, we hope you are enjoying the blog. We are doing Science Projects at the moment, and so are Fifth and Sixth Class. For this, we got into groups of three and four. We were given time to decide both our groups and our projects. Mr. Foley was impressed how quickly and quietly we did this. We have five groups in the class. After we were in our groups we were discussing what sort of Science Project we should do. All of us have different kinds of projects. Each group agreed on what we are doing. We have five different experiments, including dinosaurs, spiders, space, birds and the ocean. Over... 

5 Nov

On December 3rd, the Intel Mini-Scientist exhibition will take place in the school. 4th, 5th and 6th classes will take part in the exhibition, presenting group projects. One of our Wednesday for Parents posts a couple of weeks ago dealt with choosing a good project for science fairs. This week, we’re going to concentrate on researching your topic. Over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to model how to do a science fair project, using a sample question. If you follow along with the timeline, you should get your project finished in plenty of time! Take, for example, the questions... 

5 Nov

Myspace Message GeneratorsWe are just 9 weeks into term and already we’ve been so busy with the many activities and projects that is typical of the St. Peter’s school year. Hold onto your hats as we recap on the term so far, in numbers! 1: The amazing Open Day we held on the 28th September! 2: The number of brand new after-school clubs, to go with the existing four! 3: The number of weeks we have been dancing with our Irish Dancing teacher Sue! 4: The number of songs we performed at our school Open Day! 5: The number of times our different classes have baked or cooked up a storm in... 

3 Oct

Tomorrow is World Animal Day. World Animal Day is celebrated each year on October the 4th. On this day we celebrate our animals. We have lots of pets and we love learning about different animals. We have World Animal Day because the 4th of October is the feast day of Francis of Assisi who was a lover of animals. Some people will bless their animals tomorrow. We remind everyone that animals need to be treated well and looked after with love. To celebrate World Animal Day we had peer writing and drawing with the younger and older children in school. We invented our own animals. What do you think? ps.... 

30 Sep

A huge thank you to all of the parents, past, present and future pupils, families and local supporters who made Saturday’s Open Day such a great success. It was wonderful to see so many new and familiar faces and we hope you enjoyed the day. It was a day that highlighted those things that makes Peter’s such a special school and we couldn’t have done it without your continued support. The day started at 2pm with an energetic and entertaining performance of the Circle of Life. There was great joy and delight as each class joined the stage and 2nd Class got a special welcome as...