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26 May

Ms. Byrne and third class had the most exciting start to their week this morning! A big package was delivered to the school addressed to ‘The Children in Ms. Byrne’s Third Class’. After much guessing and anticipation about what might be in the package, the boys ripped opened the box. They found the most generous, kind and thoughtful letter inside explaining what they had received. And if you know third class, you could probably guess at what the best possible thing in the world would be for them to receive… YES you’ve guessed it – LEGO!!! The package had been sent by none other than... 

17 May

Welcome to our online weekly newsletter, the St Peter’s Post. This week was hectic in the school – we had Mathletes announcements, our submission for the Discover Primary Science award, Confirmation, Teachmeet East and a religious visitor. Congratulations to all of our students who made their Confirmation today – the weather was beautiful and they all behaved impeccably on the day. It was lovely to see Ms Whyte and everyone was dying to hear how the twins are getting on. Well done to Mr Staunton for all his hard work in preparing the boys for the ceremony! Our main piece of... 

11 May

Welcome to another edition of our online weekly newsletter – the St Peter’s Post! This week, we’ve been looking forward to the next few weeks – 2nd and 6th class are preparing for Communion and Confirmation and we’ve started recruiting for the choir for the Communion ceremony. We were also very busy on Twitter this week! The main headlines from this week are: We were sent the video marking our win at the Junior Spiders from the organisers during the week. If you haven’t seen it yet, we’d love you to watch it here. Our new student council had their first... 

4 May

Welcome to our online weekly newsletter – our first St Peter’s Post of the third term. It’s been a very exciting week in St Peter’s and we’re sure that everyone by now has heard that good things come in twos! On Tuesday, we were over the moon to be awarded two awards in the Eircom Junior Spiders… and then on Thursday, we were over the moon to hear of two new arrivals to the St Peter’s family. Congratulations to Ms Whyte and Mr Vance  on the birth of their beautiful baby daughters! So let’s get stuck in to the headlines of the week: On Tuesday,... 

30 Apr

After many months of learning about stop-motion animations, apps, lighting, sound, props and recording… here it is. Our complete Creative Schools Awards project in one massive blogpost! So… here it is! Our project has taken us four months to complete. We decided to use our love of ICT and Art in as creative and interesting a way as possible in putting together a stop-motion animation project. We got the idea as early in the year, during Culture Night 2013, our local theatre (The Mermaid) ran a number of events on the night, including children’s animation workshops. We in St. Peter’s... 

12 Apr

Welcome to our weekly online newsletter – the St Peter’s Post! We’d a really exciting week with the arrival of Scientific Sue. We were delighted to welcome five local schools to see Sue in action and they were all really impressed by Sue and by our beautiful school! It was lovely to be able to share our prize with them and we’re very grateful to Engineers Ireland for organising it. Here are the week’s headlines: You can read all about Scientific Sue’s visit here! We’re now on our Easter holidays – 3rd class had great fun yesterday at their Easter... 

21 Mar

This week, 6th class have been learning all about Space. They’ve been learning about space travel and about the planets. They’ve also started writing their science fiction stories. Next week, they’re going to have a debate on whether the Moon Landing was a hoax by examining the different videos out there! Today, they made beautiful chalk drawings of the planets. Well done to Patryk, who photographed all of the pictures for the blog post:  

15 Mar

Welcome to our weekly blog newsletter – the St Peter’s Post! And if it’s ever been needed – this has been the week! With so much happening, we don’t want you to miss out on any of our big news and little moments. Of course, as you all know by now, the major event this week was the launch of the website – All the staff and students worked really hard to put it together, but special thanks has to go to Ms Brennan, who put in so much work to turn all the content into the fantastic website we now have! Read all about our launch here. Please make... 

12 Mar

Today we were reviewing electricity. We started with Think-Pair-Share where we discussed what we already know about electricity – a good way of warming up our brains! Next we examined a concept cartoon that Ms Sexton got at her STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) course. We discussed what we thought about the cartoons and we generated questions and theories about it: The switch turns the lamp on and off It doesn’t matter where the switch is on the circuit because as long as there’s a power source and a bulb, they’ll light. I don’t think that the small wire... 

6 Mar

You might remember that in last term, we took part in the #anfomhar twitter project for autumn.  It is a collaborative project, organised by one of our favourite websites Seomra Ranga. We blogged about it here, here and here! This week we took part in the #antearrach project. We shared all of the ‘signs of spring’ that we could find in school and our area. We got to learn from other schools and saw/heard/read about their #antearrach projects. On Tuesday morning, 2nd Class made a podcast all about spring! Afterwards, they went out for a nature walk! Here they are, exploring the area. Meanwhile...