November is anti-bullying month in school. We learned a lot about different types of bullying and how to deal with it this month. Bullying is behaviour that is …
We made some anti-bullying posters to stand up to bullying!
In November, our class took part in our whole school Anti – Bullying month. We discussed why bullying happens, how to react if it does happen and who we can ask for help.
We reminded ourselves that bullying is any behaviour that is:
We learned more about the different types of bullying, including physical, emotional, verbal and cyber.
We also recognised our role in preventing bullying across our school community as 6th class students. Check out the pledges we made below and some positive messages we want to spread in school.
This week in school, we celebrated science week. The theme we were looking at was ‘HUMAN?’. We have been learning about the respiratory system and exploring how our lungs work and help us to breathe.
We made a model lung using balloons, plastic bottles and plastic bags. The bottle acted as our rib cage, the balloon was our lung and the bag worked as our diaphragm.
Take a look at our lungs!
We also looked at how humans have worked to make advances in medicine and helping humans. We created our own version of a bionic hand. We looked at how bones, tendons and muscles make up the human hand and how they work to allow us to move out hands. Take a look at our bionic hand!
Finally, we did some research of our own. We researched famous scientists and wrote about them to end our science week. Well done 5th class on your excellent work!
This week we celebrated Science Week by looking at the theme ‘HUMAN?’. We looked at electricity and the developments humans have made with electricity over time.
We made our own circuits and then decided to make our own light houses. These lighthouses had to;
Fourth class are taking part in Anti Bullying month this November. We have started the month by thinking about what bullying means to us. Take a look at what we wrote down;
We have talked about many types of bullying such as;
Physical bullying,
Emotional bullying,
Verbal Bullying,
Cyber bullying.
We also made some anti bullying posters to hang up to make people aware of anti bullying month in our school!
During Maths Week, 5th class cretaed their own word problems for the class to solve. We looked at different operations and what kind of words we needed to use in our word problems to tell our friends how to solve them!
We also worked to create some 2D shape tessellation art work. We used an irregular shape to really test our skills and we created some excellent art work!