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31 Mar

We were learning about our senses recently in Junior Infant and discovered we have 5 senses which help us understand the world around us – sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Firstly we discussed our senses before watching a short video about each. Next we decided to test out our various senses with a senses walk around the school. We discovered lots of things we could touch which gave us lots of new vocabulary for how things feel. Then we sat out in the back yard and closed our eye to see what we could hear and smell before having a look around. We were surprised at... 

6 Feb

In Junior Infants we love building. Whether it’s with Lego, wooden blocks or cups. Over the past few weeks we’ve had a number of building challenges in Aistear and SESE. Check out some of our constructions below While learning about animals and the Zoo in Aistear, one of our stations was to build our our Zoo to house the animals using wooden blocks. One book we read in class was Jack and the Beanstalk. This inspired us to try and build our own beanstalk out of Lego. We had a competition to see who could build the highest beanstalk that could stand on it’s own without... 

4 Feb

This month we have been learning all about writing procedures! We made smoothies and conducted STEM experiments, and then we wrote up procedures! We also conducted research and wrote procedures about things we are interested in! In maths, we were learning about length. We used meatre sticks, rulers and measuring tapes to measure the length of lots of different things in the classroom and around the school!  

2 Feb

This month in 4th Class we have been researching and learning all about Italy. We have been learning about Mount Vesuvius and the ancient Roman city of Pompeii.  For our STEM activity this month we made our own volcanoes. As part of our procedural writing, we made our own delicious pizzas. We made a list of the equipment, ingredients and steps needed to make pitta pizzas🍕  

22 Nov

We had great fun celebrating Science Week this year! Science is one of our favourite subjects and we love taking part in STEM activities! One of our favourite weeks of the year! We loved taking part in STEM for Fun in the hall this year and had the chance to try lots of different activities including creating paper planes and racing them, programming Bee Bots, building a circle using Pringles, building the tallest tower using paper and using Lego to create a ‘vehicle of the future’. In our classroom we discussed ideas that we hope Science will help us answer in the future... 

15 Nov

Junior Infants were very excited about Science Week. This week, along with STEM for Fun we got to explore magnets and how they work. Early in the week we explored magnetism. We talked about what magnets are and watched a short video on magnetism. We then investigated things that were magnetic by testing our magnets out around the school and yard outside. During Aistear we got to explore magnets and magnetic objects more. We used magnets to test items that might be magnetic and categorise items that were magnetic and non magnetic. Finally at the end of the week we looked at a group... 

15 Nov

We conducted three experiments in 5th class for Science Week 2021. Experiment 1: To investigate the influence of different liquids on a hard boiled egg shell that will act as tooth enamel. We placed four hard boiled eggs into bowls with either milk, apple juice, vinegar and coca-cola. We left the eggs to sit in the liquid for the duration of the week before removing them. We were surprised that the apple juice egg looked worse than the coca-cola egg! The egg that was in the vinegar was shriveled up and wrinkly! Experiment 2: We investigated the growth of bacteria on bread.... 

14 Nov

STEM activity 1: We started of Science week by seeing if there was any link between our favorite colour and our favorite taste. We began by making a pictogram using gummy bears to show the votes of the classes favorite colours. Take a look: After this, we tasted some fresh jellies and decided on which one was our favorite to taste. We talked about different ways we could make this graph and decided that a block graph was the quickest. Here are our results: We were surprised that there was no link between our taste and favorite color as we had predicted there... 

31 May

Discover Primary Science and Maths 2021 Application Welcome to our submission for the Discover Primary Science and Maths award for 2021. This is our 16th year taking part in the Awards, although this school year has been a little different! Once again, we are applying for the Plaque of STEM Excellence. This award is given to schools that carry out extensive work in science, technology, engineering and maths, all of which are very important in St. Peter’s. This is the 7th year that we have had Junior and Senior Infants taking part in the award! It is great to see the young scientists... 

19 Apr

Rubber Band Racer We spent some time studying renewable energy and different types of renewable materials. Making this rubber band racer was a STEM activity we did to explore the different ways to create energy and movement. We had to carefully insert the chassis pieces into the cardboard box to make the rubber band racing car balanced. Working together in the groups we fitted both wooden pieces before putting on the wheels. It was quite tricky adding in the rubber bands during this step but with a little help we managed to get it in. The Race! At the end of the lesson...