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5 Jan

On December 17th, the students of St. Peter’s continued a now annual tradition of performing a Roald Dahl Revolting Rhyme musical. Having performed The Three Pigs, Cinderella, Snow White and Goldilocks in the past few years, it was now time for Jack and the Beanstalk. 3rd to 6th Class treated us to an amazing evening’s entertainment. We performed the show twice to packed audiences and we got a great reaction! Well done to everyone for their superb effort. We hope you enjoy looking back on the evening through our blogpost below! Snaps from the side of the stage! Highlights from the... 

8 Dec

Daniel O’Connell 6th Class have been learning about Daniel O’Connell in History. Last Friday (during Golden Time!) we decided to have a little bit of fun as we looked back over all we learned. Step up Oisín, quizmaster extraordinaire! The rest is history! Enjoy the Rapid-Fire-Daniel-O’-Connell-quiz-time!  

3 Dec

Daniel tries an orange. Junior Infants have been learning lots about food over the past few weeks. We have learned what foods are good for us and we should eat lots of, and what foods we should only eat as a special treat. One morning during Aistear we tried different types of fruit! Some of us were really brave and tried all the fruit! Some of us tried fruit that we didn’t like and realised it was suprisingly yummy! Cian tries some blueberries and Aysha tries some raspberries. We learned that berries have something called Vitamin C in them which helps you not get a cold!      

24 Nov

Where did that time go? It’s hard to believe that we’re thinking about the Christmas performances already! This year our performance schedule is slightly different, to reflect the fact that we have three new classes! Junior and Senior Infants will prepare a play together, First and Second Class will prepare a play together and Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Class will perform individual class plays. Not only that, they will also perform the annual Roald Dahl musical as a large group together! This year, our Roald Dahl musical is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Everyone got a chance... 

3 Nov

Today everyone in the senior end of school started work on the Athletics strand in the curriculum. It was a brilliant way to kick start the second part of term! Check out our latest vines! Here we are enjoying a training session with Irish international, Karen Duggan! Remember, even though winter is coming – stay fit, active and healthy!  

26 Sep

Recently, in 2nd class, we have been exploring sound as part of our music lessons. We’re developing our performance skills, our listening and responding skills and our composing skills, using body percussion and our voices. One of our favourite songs at the moment is Boom-Chicka-Boom and we’ve been using it to explore the elements of music and different sounds that we can make with our voices. We recorded a version of Boom Chicka Boom using Sound Cloud! We also made a list of sounds that we can make with our bodies and our voices. We worked together as a whole-class activity to list... 

25 Sep

The Grand High ‘Vitch’, who says the lines that we learned off! 6th Class have learned off lines from The Witches by Roald Dahl and have been performing them in class! Would you like to have a listen? We’ve been working on our accents!  

17 Sep

6th Class have decided to record their prayers to help them to prepare to celebrate their Confirmation next term. There are many prayers for us to learn. We have made two full sheets with lots of prayers and we have sent them home to practice every night. If you are practicing the prayers, it might help to play these podcasts where we are reminded what to say. We can practice the prayers beside the sound. These are the prayers from page one as sent home!  

5 Jun

Last Saturday, St. Peter’s had the huge honour of showcasing their technology and ICT use in Dublin Castle at the Excited Digital Learning Conference. We were invited to participate having completed the Digital Schools of Distinction adjudication. It has been an incredible year for St. Peter’s, and we have worked to improve and enhance our use of ICT at every level in the school. This has led to great success at a national level, and we have been successful in the national Eircom Junior Spiders awards, the national Mathletes finals and we have also won a Creative Schools award for use... 

5 Jun

5th class have started their final Design and Make project of the year and today, we started our research and planning. The task is to design something that would be suitable for the seafront in Bray and that uses electricity. We’re going to plan our designs using SketchUp and then build them in class. We’ve done a lot of preparation work on Design and Make and electricity. Today, we went to Bray Seafront on a research mission. We were deciding where we would place our project on the seafront and we were also evaluating what would fit in well down there. We had looked at Bray Seafront...