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19 Mar

3rd Class have been learning the song ‘My Hat Has Three Corners’. The song was written about a particular style of hat that had three corners. The melody was composed by a German composer called Franz Schubert. It is an action song that gets progressively harder as we had to leave our certain words in each verse and replace it with actions. Here is a short video of Szymon, Finn and Chris trying the action song for themselves. Well done boys! IMG 0022[1] from St Peter’s, Bray on Vimeo.  

13 Mar

We are big fans of Roald Dahl in our class; we decided to read one of his books after all the interesting things that we read about him during World Book Day! We chose The Twits. We talk about each chapter with our talk buddies after reading it, and then we write a summary in our copies. We make sure to talk about the beginning, middle and end every time. Sometimes we chat about how the characters are feeling while we are reading the book, we even try to imagine how we would feel if we were them! We are always laughing at the mean tricks that the Twits play on eachother! Here are some of our favourite... 

12 Mar

2nd Class just LOVE learning poems. Today we had great fun looking back on all of the poems we have learned this year. We like funny poems that we can entertain people with. Poetry helps with our reading and our speaking. It is also a challenge to remember all of the lines. This year we have had fun with Limericks, learned scary Halloween poems and got into the festive spirit with Christmas poems too.  Our latest poem is called ‘Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth!’ and it was written by Pam Ayres. You can hear her read the poem here! Even better still, listen to our recording... 

11 Mar

Recently, 5th class took part in the Bord Gais Energy Student Theatre Awards. We already recorded plays from Luke and Andy here. Today, we have scenes from AaronJ and Ameesh. Aaron’s play is about two boys in a park – both wanting to make friends, but too awkward to start the conversation. His actors were Alan and Johnny. Ameesh’s play is about making friends with a new neighbour. His actors are Ben and Sam. Well done to the writers and to the actors!  

10 Mar

2nd Class are reading Zac Power, Frozen Fear. It is a really adventurous book with lots of twists and turns! We are trying to get better at remembering every detail in the books we read. We decided to do lots of mini podcasts about this book as we work through it. This should help us with our homework. Remember, so far this year we have been working on 1. Predicting, 2. Making connections, 3. Creating images, 4. Inferring, 5. Putting it all together. Now we are working on re-reading! Have a listen to our podcast to keep up with Zac Power, Frozen Fear! Remember, you can catch our previous podcasts... 

6 Mar

It’s no secret that we love Roald Dahl in St Peter’s. Roald Dahl Day was celebrated in great style by 2nd class at the start of the year, we choose a Roald Dahl fairytale for the school play every year and we even have Roald Dahl month every year. This year, Roald Dahl month fell in February and 5th class chose to read Matilda. Our chapter of Matilda every morning has become one of our favourite parts of the day and we’ve only one chapter left. Roald Dahl loves language and word-play and we enjoyed reading his words aloud! To celebrate World Book Day, we all chose an extract from... 

25 Feb

2nd Class are getting ready for their First Confession and First Holy Communion. We decided to podcast about our work so far. We are working hard to prepare for our sacraments. Have a listen to our podcast here!  

13 Feb

2nd Class have finished Alfie Green and they really enjoyed it! It was lovely to read such a fun, adventurous book that was written by an Irish author! Have a listen to our podcast and hear what we thought of it!  

4 Feb

2nd Class record their reading daily. We record ourselves and listen back to see if our reading has improved. We give each other pointers and help each other to improve. We like reading for an audience and practicing speaking loudly, clearly and with a nice tone. We are taking First Steps to good reading. So far this year, we have read four books together. The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me, The Magic Finger, Esio Trot and Care of Henry. We have worked on: 1. Visualising – closing our eyes and seeing the story in our head. 2. Questioning – asking each other questions about the story, podcasting... 

29 Jan

Hi this is Johnny, from 5th class. My Write-A-Book project is about a superhero who saves the world’s biggest jewel. I finished my story and I started editing it today. It’s really easy to edit on the laptop because you can right-click to get help with spellings. Mr McAdam, the student teacher, helped me to edit my story. Next I have to do my illustrations and my cover. Here’s a podcast from my class about how they’re all getting on: