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24 Mar

On Wednesday we had some very kind and helpful visitors in our room. Some of the wonderful parents at St. Peter’s came in to see us and show us some wonderful fun ways to use maths! Adam loved Uno and Jordan tried very hard to beat him! Nathan O’B and Nathan K especially loved the shark picture on the tessellating shapes. Johnny and Lorcan tried to make their shapes quicker than everyone else! We loved our Maths For Fun and can’t wait for the next one!  

19 Mar

‘Maths for Fun’ is back in St. Peter’s! ‘Maths for Fun’ is a Home/School initiative where parents come into the classroom to work with the children playing different maths games. Every ten minutes the children move to a different station and play a new game. There are a variety of maths games such as maths bingo, interactive games on the laptops, tangrams, fraction games, What Time is it Mr Wolf?, etc. The games mean the children are practising their maths skills while also having fun. Many thanks to Claire, Noeleen and Elaine who organised and implemented ‘Maths for Fun’ this... 

13 Mar

If things have been a little quiet on the blogging and tweeting front this week… I think you’ll forgive us! Every class, teacher and staff member has been working hard on putting together our brand new website! And here it is…! We’re delighted with how child-friendly it is, how much work was done by the children in making it and also how it shows off life in our school in such a fun and personal way. It has information on enrolment, staff details, information for parents, videos, photos, policies, after-school club details, lists of awards and achievements…... 

5 Dec

Between preparations for the Mini-Scientist showcase (photos to follow) and Hallelujah Choir, not to mention our Christmas play, this week’s post is a little bit late! This week is a tutorial on how to use Animoto! We discovered Animoto last June as a way to display our photos. The Animoto that made the most impact was the one on our Open Day. Animoto can be used as a way for your child to present a project. It’s also a lovely way to display photos as a slideshow. It can be shared online by email or social media. Today we’ve a step-by-step way to set up an Animoto project. We... 

27 Nov

Am I allowed to talk about it yet?? As of today, there are 28 sleeps to Christmas! Here’s a list of all the things of all things Christmassy in Bray and a bit further away. We’d like to think of this as a starter list, so we can add to it as the month goes on. We will also have a separate post later in the month with all the details of masses, carol services etc in St Peter’s Parish! Obviously, the main date for your diary is the 18th December for St Peter’s Primary’s performances of Roald Dahl’s ‘Cinderella’ – always a popular event and we’re... 

23 Nov

A quiet week on the blog this week, but certainly not a quiet week in St Peter’s. We’ve lots coming up in the next few weeks and this week was definitely a preparation week – lots of singing, science and sketches. That’s not to say that we don’t have plenty of news for you – if you missed anything during the week, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the headlines from the week: The weeks started in the best possible way, with the return of everyone’s favourite chicken, Nugget. He mightn’t have been so excited to return if he was a turkey!... 

20 Nov

  This Wednesday, we’re going to focus on just one website – Help My Kid Learn! Help My Kid Learn is a website by NALA (National Adult Literacy Agency) to help parents to develop their children’s learning at home. The activities are broken up into different age-groups. The activities fall under the categories of ‘Talk’, ‘Play’, ‘Read’, ‘Write’ and ‘Count’ and discusses how to approach the activity, why the activity is important and how to follow on from the activity. They also have suggestions for online activities... 

16 Oct

Thanks to everyone who helped out at the recent Open Day! Thanks to the parents (and kids) who helped to set up and then provided tea. coffee and refreshments for the day. Thanks to the Parents Council who put in so much effort to help to organise the day. Thanks to all the parents and students who delivered the leaflets to homes and local businesses. Thanks to all the people who sourced prizes for our raffle. A special thanks to all the local businesses who helped out with refreshments and prizes: Costcutters, Bray Tesco Express, Shankill Dunnes Stores, Bray Get Fresh, Bray Centra, Bray Thanks... 

14 Oct

By now all of you would have seen our new year brochure that we distributed around the area ahead of the Open Day. Many thanks to the boys and parents who delivered them to local shops and homes. If you know of anyone who would like a copy then contact Karen in the office or direct them to this post!  

30 Sep

A huge thank you to all of the parents, past, present and future pupils, families and local supporters who made Saturday’s Open Day such a great success. It was wonderful to see so many new and familiar faces and we hope you enjoyed the day. It was a day that highlighted those things that makes Peter’s such a special school and we couldn’t have done it without your continued support. The day started at 2pm with an energetic and entertaining performance of the Circle of Life. There was great joy and delight as each class joined the stage and 2nd Class got a special welcome as...