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24 Oct

In St Peter’s we always try really hard to work on attendance and encourage children to be in school every day. At the end of every month children with full attendance for the month receive a certificate and have their name put on the Wall of Fame. The class with the greatest attendance each month also receive a class prize. Now, we are starting a monthly blog post called “All Star Attenders”. Each month we will list all the children who have received certificates for the month and who the winning class for the month was. This winning class for best attendance in September was…….. Ms.... 

10 Jan

Welcome to the first All Star Attenders Post of the New Year. At the end of every month children with full attendance for the month receive a certificate and have their name put on the Wall of Fame. The class with the greatest attendance each month also receive a class prize and all students with full attendance get named “All Star Attenders”. So far our winners have been; September: Ms. Fry’s 2nd Class (Trip to a show in the Mermaid Arts Theatre) October: Ms. Shimmin’s 3rd Class (Home Cinema Experience) November: Ms Keating’s 4th Class (Home Cinema Experience)   This winning class...