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19 Oct

6th class are enjoying a great Maths Week and taking part in lots of different activities!

We joined a Mega Maths Quiz online on Tuesday that required lots of problem solving skills to get the answers – we’re still not sure about some of them! It was a great opportunity to work together as a class and we had to explain a lot of our thinking to each other and in our final answers that we submitted.

On Wednesday we took part in a Maths Trail around the school. It was great fun! We worked in teams to arrive at our answers and covered questions about Measures, Data and Number. Putting our Maths skills to the test was a great chance for us to make sure we understand the concepts fully!

We worked inside the school and outside to measure lengths and widths, to estimate, to count data on vehicles, to discuss symmetry and to calculate information based on how old our school is.

Data collection!
Not missing any vital information!
Sample questions…

We’re looking forward to continuing our Maths Week celebrations with some Maths riddles today!

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