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7 Nov

This month in Senior Infants we transformed our Aistear roleplay into a potion lab. We had lots of fun making potions and spells buy combining our different ingredients to make our disgusting potions. In the play dough area, we made trick or treat sweets, a witch’s broomstick, a web for a spider and lots of other Halloween themed items! Our Roleplay Potion lab Inside the Potion lab Potion lab vocabulary Our other Aistear station was carving pumpkins, Senior Infants did a brilliant job taking out all the seeds and cleaning the pumpkin. We made a lot of Art... 

7 Nov

Fourth class have started Anti-Bullying Month by describing what bullying means to them. Take a look! We learnt three important points about bullying today; Bullying is…. HurtfulRepeatedDeliberate.