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3 May

Hi everyone! 5th Class here, and we’re going to tell you all about how we celebrated Engineers Week 2017.

Firstly, we explored the work of engineers. We had a special project to complete on the interactive board in school! We also looked at this wordle challenge completed by some of our brothers and sisters a couple of years ago.

For Engineers Week this year we:

  1. Completed a Lego challenge with 4th Class
  2. Completed a K’nex challenge with Junior Infants

For our first make and do challenge we joined forces with 4th Class for our project – to build a Lego car and see how far it could travel using a hairdryer. Check out all of our tweets and attached videos below!

Afterwards we all discussed what we had learned about our designs!

This year we also held our annual K’NEX Challenge. As you know, our challenge is well-established – you can read all about previous challenges here and here. Junior Infants and 6th Class were the perfect combination to work together on the K’NEX Challenge. With four sets of siblings and lots of cousins, we made the teams into family affairs and we think you’ll be very impressed by their fantastic work.

The challenge was to design and make a restaurant. Before we built anything, we had to draw our designs out and plan how to make them as strong as possible.


Here are our tweets from the day!

We really enjoyed our Engineer’s Week 2017. Here is a round-up of activities from other classes!

Senior Infants

Senior Infants brought Engineer’s Week into their Aistear work. So cool!

Their STEM Club also made some wonderful catapults!

4th Class

4th Class made catapults too! They also made amazing windmills.

Mr. Foley’s Class

Mr. Foley’s Class did some wonderful work using Lego and Mindcraft. Super work lads!

3rd Class celebrate too!

A huge well done also to our friends in 3rd Class for their amazing work! Check out their blogpost on Engineers Week 2017 here!

Thank you for reading our blog post all about Engineer’s Week 2017.

By 5th Class.

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