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9 Sep


A HUGE congratulations to Ella and Amber – the girls were our very first trophy winners having received the most points in the class this week.

Ella and Amber were STARS this week – they put their hand up when they needed to ask a question, they were kind to others in the class and worked well as a part of their table teams. They also sang along to our new Irish and class songs and walked so well in their line. Finally, the girls took such good care with all their work. They coloured inside the lines and did their very best to join the dots and continue their patterns on their handouts.

Well done girls! You did a fantastic job!

2 Responses to “We are stars, watch us shine!”

  1. Fiona
    4:17 pm on September 19th, 2016

    Brill well done girls

  2. Leann plunkett
    4:04 pm on September 29th, 2016

    So proud of you Amber:)very well done to you both 🙂

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