Phew! 6th Class are still recovering from a hectic #artweek15 and #TechWeekIrl! Check out just some of our tweets from last week’s events!
What an amazing week #6thClass had celebrating #techweekirl! Watch our highlights video! #edchatie #animoto
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
We’ve made a #techweekirl @GetKahoot Quiz in #6thClass! Do it with us! The pin is 1279. Go to
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
Well done to our students of the week (Jade and Leon) for putting together such a brilliant quiz for #techweekirl on @GetKahoot.
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
All of the questions are based on our #techweekirl work this week. We’ll live tweet it! jade and Leon #6thClass #kahoot
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
We have a winner! #techweekirl #getkahoot @GetKahoot
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
The final question! Q10. #techweekirl (answered after 5 seconds!)
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
Q9. #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
Q6. #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
Q3! #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
Question 1! #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
6th Class joint winners of Student of the Week! They get to make our @GetKahoot quiz for #techweekirl! #6thClass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) May 1, 2015
Safe to say the coLAR mix app that we learned about at #tmfroebel is creating a BIG #artweek15 buzz in St. Peter’s! Thanks @bnighrogain!
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 30, 2015
6th Class have a new favourite thing! Augmented reality! We are bringing pictures to life for #artweek15!
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 30, 2015
Something fishy! #6thClass #artweek15
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 30, 2015
Shark attack! #6thClass #artweek15
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 30, 2015
Jurassic Park in #6thClass! When Art class goes wild! #artweek15
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 30, 2015
‘This is the best thing I have ever done in school!’ – #augmentedreality #artweek15 #6thClass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 30, 2015
Our art is coming to life! #artweek15 #augmentedreality
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 30, 2015
Just some of the wonderful art created on our class iPad this morning! #artweek15 #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
We’re doing public speaking in English. We’re making presentations on our app inventions. It was our homework. #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
Designs to be proud of. #techweekirl #6thClass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
Aaron G is passionate about motorbikes. His app (Moto X Book) is a one stop shop for advice! #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
Luke McK invented the iWake up invention and the ‘On-the-go-household’ app! #techweekirl #6thclass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
Leon made the Mail Drone and his app is The Sprite Site for scratch games #techweekirl #6thclass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
Updating our Twitter for #techweekirl #6thClass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
Sam invented the Lullaby soother and PC Watch #techweekirl #6thclass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
The @BarackObama poster is our inspiration here #artweek15 #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
We love making pop art Warhol pics! #artweek15 #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
The lads love the Sketch app! #artweek15 #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
We have just one iPad, so we are sharing! #teamwork #6thClass #techweekirl #artweek15
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
6th Class are working through their Art apps for #artweek15! This is the Retro Art Studio! #artweek15 #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 29, 2015
This week’s life skill ties in our Science work, #techweekirl and other household skills!
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
We had a brilliant morning doing #techweekirl activities. We’ll be back with more tomorrow! #6thClass #edchatie
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
We are learning how to test broadband speeds using this site! #Techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
Can you guess what we are spelling with our pixel code map?! #techweekirl #6thClass
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
Ms. B is ordering the make-up desk device invented by Sadbh and Davina! It takes a selfie at the end. #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
He is a tough teacher! 😃 RT @TechWeekIRL: @StPetersBray Tell Andy we think he’s brilliant!
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
We’re using @padlet to help our @TechWeekIRL brainstorming! #edchatie
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
We think is a really cool way of inventing safe passwords for children! #6thClass #techweekirl #edchatie
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
Legends! #techweekirl
— Tech Week Ireland (@TechWeekIRL) April 28, 2015
I want to invest in Luke’s cleaning robot, Rashers! He makes you bacon sandwiches (LOB’s favourite!) #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
Oisín, Aaron G and Davey made an iDesk, a compuChair and a lunch robot! #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
We have lots of inventions that have been influenced by the oculus rift and google glass! #6thClass #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
We’re learning about inspiring inventors/pioneers of tech, including Steve Jobs, Caterina Fake and Mark Zuckerberg! #6thClass #techweekirl
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) April 28, 2015
What a busy week of tweets!
12:28 pm on May 8th, 2015
We had the best week in school ever.
12:35 pm on May 8th, 2015
Best week ever.