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3 Jul

2014-06-27 10.26.25

Last Friday, we had our final assembly of the year. After Mr Foley recapped some of the very exciting things that have happened this year, he praised all the students for their hard work and school spirit. He spoke about the great support that students, staff and parents have given St Peter’s this year and how we can achieve great things when we work together as a team.

There were a number of awards to be handed out. We started with the tennis awards from the recent tournament in Shankill. Then, we handed out Bike Week prizes for the overall and class winners of the speed test and the slow race. Next were the medals for the Peter’s World Cup to the winning team, France, managed by Ms Flanagan and Ms Mitchell. The soccer tournament winners who competed in Wolfe Tone earlier in the year collected their medals next, followed by our successful basketball team. The after-school soccer tournament winners were up next – and huge thanks goes to Paddy, Ruth and Conor for running our after-school sports clubs. Each class runs with Paddy on their set day every week. The next set of awards went to the winners of the individual and team running competitions over the year.

The students in the school with perfect attendance were recognised next – lots of boys and girls were chatting afterwards about how they were aiming to win this next year so hopefully we’ll have a crowded stage at the end of 2015! After that, we presented awards to the winners of Mr Curran’s handwriting awards – Ameesh from 5th class won the Senior Handwriting Award and Lex from 3rd won the Junior Award. We were delighted to welcome Mr Curran back to judge the entries and to catch up on all the news! We also presented the award for the best player of the Student-Teacher soccer match to Ms Sugrue. Well done Ms Sugrue! We also held the draw for the prizes from #32in24

Our final award of the day was a brand new award, the Peter’s Pride Award. School spirit is a really important part of St Peter’s and this award recognises this in our students. We chose Luke McK from 5th class to receive this award as he has a fantastic attitude to school and is kind and helpful to everyone around him. He has left positive, encouraging comments on the blog this year, not just for his own class, but for students in all other classes. He is always cheerful and friendly, quick with a smile and a chat. He loves to help out and do jobs and we joke about him being the real Peter’s Post because he is always at the heart of every part of life in St Peter’s. It wasn’t an easy choice as there were so many strong candidates for the award, but Luke really deserves it and we were all very proud of him on Friday!

Finally, came the long-awaited announcement about the teachers for next year. Mr Foley began by thanking the teachers, who were finished up with us for now, but will hopefully return in the future. As we know, the school is expanding significantly next year and there will be a number of new teachers. For that reason, not all the class teachers could be announced last Friday. Ms Ní Chionnaith will be joining us in September to teach Junior Infants. Ms Byrne will be teaching 1st class and Ms Sexton will be teaching 2nd class. Mr Foley will be teaching 4th class after Ms Whyte returns from maternity leave and Ms Brennan will be teaching 6th class. We’re very excited to meet our new classes and our new staff in August.

With that, our final assembly drew to a close and Mr Foley wished us a very happy summer holiday. It’s been a very happy and successful year in St Peter’s and we’re all really looking forward to seeing what 2014/2015 brings us!

3 Responses to “Final assembly of the year!”

  1. Alex White
    5:22 pm on August 2nd, 2014

    Well done Mr.Foley I can’t wait until I go to school with Caoilynn and Karl and meet new kids. I had a great time in your class see you soon :]

  2. Karl White
    5:24 pm on August 2nd, 2014

    Hi Mr Foley, Karl here I can’t wait to see you and well done with final assembly.

  3. Abhishek Sunny
    7:04 pm on September 16th, 2014

    Good work Luke !

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