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2 Apr


You may have seen in an earlier post today that we’re currently taking part in a handwriting competition. Today’s ‘Wednesday for Parents’ suggests a number of links that may be useful to you if your child needs extra help to improve their handwriting. As always, your experience is invaluable and we’d love to hear your tips for helping with handwriting. Let us know in the comments!

  • Our first link this evening comes from NALA and is absolutely excellent. We’ve featured content from NALA before and their work is always of high quality. This publication is called Better Handwriting for Adults, but has a number of tips that would be particularly suitable to older children and children who have severe difficulties with making their handwriting clear.
  • This site provides a number of practice sheets for children to trace particular letters and shapes. Certain letters are slightly different to how your child may write them for school – keep a particular eye on letters like ‘r’, ‘s’, ‘f’ and ‘k’.
  • This site gives an overview of how to help your child to become a better writer – while it gives more detail than some of the other sites as it’s designed to inform teachers about teaching handwriting, it’s very useful if your child is a bit older and really struggles with handwriting.
  • Difficulties in handwriting can be an indication of difficulties with other skills. Gross motor skills are the skills involved when your child uses the larger muscles in his/her body – for example, walking, running, rolling and jumping. Fine motor skills involve the smaller muscles – often using fingers and toes. Fine motor skills help your child’s handwriting. This link has a number of suggestions to help your child develop their fine motor skills.

As always, you can find all previous ‘Wednesday for Parents’ posts here. We’d love to update our post with your tips – let us know what you recommend!

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