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13 Jan

Our project was called ‘Does one hand react quicker than the other?’ We tested our question using two tests – one was by putting your hand into a bowl of ice and seeing how long you could leave it there in seconds. The other test was the ruler test, where you let the ruler go and see how quickly you can catch it again. We found that with the ice, your dominant hand can last much longer in the ice than your non-dominant hand. There wasn’t as much of a difference in the ruler test, which surprised us because we thought it would have a much greater difference. When we were... 

13 Jan

Brotherly love! On Friday everybody in St. Peter’s had a chance to win a golden ticket to the B.T. Young Scientist and Primary Science Fair. Me [Eduard] and my brother Lester won the golden ticket from twitter to go. We got to bring our whole family! It was a great day. We decided to write your a blog post to tell you all about it. We went to the entrance and into the Minerva suite to get our wristbands. It was so great! We got a book about the history of the building and project. We went to the Discover Primary Science school section first and we saw lots of good things. The first thing... 

13 Jan

Cinderella, via Animoto! There are many great days in St Peter’s every year. There are great days when we all feel as if we’ve worked together to achieve something special and great days when our fantastic students get to show off the results of all their hard work. Of all the great days in the school calendar, there’s a special one that stands out – we love our Christmas play! We had our first performance at 11.30 a.m. on the Thursday morning and our second at 7 p.m. and we had a ball from start to finish. For those who aren’t familiar with our Christmas plays, we... 

11 Jan

Has it only been 5 days since Monday?? After all the excitement of the Christmas play and the wonderful chaos of December, it’s been lovely to get back to a bit of routine this week. We’re delighted to have all our students back and that they were well-rested and happy to come back to school!  

10 Jan

January is always a bit of an exciting month – people make new goals and resolutions and push themselves to do and be better! You can hear 2nd class talking about their New Year’s Resolutions on their podcast here! In 5th class, we’ve been looking at the top 100 Inspirational Quotes from Forbes. You can read them here. In groups, we read the quotes and picked out our favourite ones, discussing what we think they mean. We made a podcast below of our favourite ones. Well done to Sam for leading the podcast! There are a couple of quotes in our classroom and corridor. Here’s... 

10 Jan

My project was called ‘Electrical Edibles’ and my question was ‘can you conduct electricity using fruit and vegetables?’ I found that I wasn’t able to power a lightbulb using fruit and vegetables during the actual project, but when I used a clock kit, I was able to. I found a picture of a Christmas tree powered by Brussels Sprouts. If my mum asked me why I wasn’t eating my Brussels Sprouts, I could say that I was saving them for something important. Photo credit  

9 Jan

Our title was ‘Rollercoaster on a poster’ and our question was ‘what effect does the surface have on how far a KNEX car travels?’ We found out that tinfoil was the smoothest surface so it helped the car to travel faster. We timed it by using a stopwatch. There was very little friction between the tinfoil and the KNEX wheel, so there was nothing to slow it down. Our favourite part was Ameesh’s victory dance. We liked building our KNEX structure with Mr Kinsella. It was easy to explain our project to the judge and she gave us a good comment. Thanks for reading... 

8 Jan

Welcome to a brand new year of Wednesday for Parents! It seems fitting to start the year with a post on resolutions – digital resolutions! I found this post over the holidays on ‘10 New Year’s Resolutions for Digital Families‘ on and they’ve kindly agreed to allow me to share it here. has an excellent blog with fantastic resources for parents about safety online. The author of the post, Tim Woda, also has a number of excellent resources on his blog – which you can find here. These resolutions are practical, easy to implement and really... 

8 Jan

Our project was called ‘Cool Crystals’ and our question was ‘which produces the best result when growing crystals – sugar or salt?’ We found out that salt produces the best crystals. Adam’s granddad told us all about crystals. We learned that you have to use boiling water because the crystals won’t form with cold water. You need to use string so that the crystals don’t stick to the side of the glass container. We learned that saturation is when you mix in so much sugar or salt into the water that it won’t dissolve any more. It took more sugar... 

8 Jan

Congratulations to our new Student Council for this term. We are very proud of you and know that you will do very well. Here are your new council. Listen to their very first podcast here! [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]