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24 May

Congratulations to all the boys in 6th class who made their Confirmation recently!


Thanks to Sister Patricia and Father James for their help in preparing the boys for the Sacrament and to the folk group for singing at the Mass. Thanks also to the Faith Friend helpers, to Veronica and all in the Parish Office who helped to organise the service. Thanks also to Father Ben and to the teachers who came along on the day to support all the young people making their Confirmation.

Every boy who had a job for the day did a superb job – whether it was reading or bringing up the gifts. The boys put a lot of effort into choosing their Confirmation names and many of them chose a name after a family member. It was lovely to hear the stories of why they chose their names and it really emphasised how important the boys consider family to be!

Congratulations to the girls in St Philomena’s and the 4 boys from other schools who made their Confirmation on the same day. It was a fantastic day all round and everyone in St Peter’s is very proud of our boys!

What did you do to celebrate your Confirmation? (Whether last week or a lot longer ago….)


One Response to “Confirmation 2013”

  1. Emer Whyte
    7:48 pm on June 3rd, 2013

    Well done boys. I was so proud of you on the day. Thanks also to Ms. Sexton, Ms. Hyland, Sr. Patricia and Fr. James.

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