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20 Apr


20 Apr

I Hope everyone had a great Easter. Welcome back to the school blog where Mr. Vance will resume reading a bedtime story each school night. There will also be a riddle of the day and lots of other activities. Please don’t forget to post a comment or ask a question.  

3 Apr

Clip art illustration of a Easter basket filled with decorated eggs, a little chick and a Happy Easter message. Although I’m sure it will be a very different Easter than usual I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. We’ll be back on Monday April 19th with more blog posts  

3 Apr


3 Apr

What happens once in a lifetime, twice in a moment, but never in one hundred years?  

2 Apr

Fizzy Rainbow Easter ‘Egg-speriment’ (Credit: Question: What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar? Predict: What do you think will happen? You will need: Small plastic Easter eggs or real empty egg shells that have been washed outEmpty egg cartonBaking soda Vinegar or lemon juiceFood colouring (optional)Tray Investigation: Place the tray on the table and put the egg carton on the tray. If you don’t have a tray, you could put some newspaper or paper towels on the table. Put your... 

2 Apr


2 Apr

Big Cat Collins Readers (levelled readers) We have sets of these books in the school. They are suitable from Level 1 to about level 25/26. There are also resources attached for each book. It reads the books to the children too!Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal Username: Parents20! Click LoginClick Big Cat and choose a band level (Remember to start with books that you can read easily)Click on the book you want to read Reading Websites Oxford Reading Tree (levelled readers) We use sets of these... 

2 Apr

As Dr. Seuss once famously said, ‘‘’the more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go’’. We are so proud of how much you all have improved in reading since the start of the year. It is really important that you continue to improve during this time at home. Try to read a variety of reading material: levelled readers (like the readers we have in school), novels and books of interest, comics, magazines, newspapers, recipes and books that you have written yourself. Above all else, enjoy it! When choosing a levelled reader,... 

2 Apr

What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?