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17 Feb

In 2nd class we have been working very hard on procedural writing this month. We created our very our pizza’s and wrote out the steps in chronological order. We started with our – Title Ingredients/What do you need: Method We worked very hard on keeping our writing nice and neat, using capital letters, full stops and following the steps to create our procedural writing pieces.  

15 Feb

We always share love and kindness in first class and we loved celebrating St. Valentines Day together in our classroom. We made some lovely art work to let everyone know that it was St. Valentines day, take a look: We then learnt about how people write cards and eat chocolate on the 14th of February so we had to join in!  

6 Feb

In Junior Infants we love building. Whether it’s with Lego, wooden blocks or cups. Over the past few weeks we’ve had a number of building challenges in Aistear and SESE. Check out some of our constructions below While learning about animals and the Zoo in Aistear, one of our stations was to build our our Zoo to house the animals using wooden blocks. One book we read in class was Jack and the Beanstalk. This inspired us to try and build our own beanstalk out of Lego. We had a competition to see who could build the highest beanstalk that could stand on it’s own without... 

4 Feb

This month we have been learning all about writing procedures! We made smoothies and conducted STEM experiments, and then we wrote up procedures! We also conducted research and wrote procedures about things we are interested in! In maths, we were learning about length. We used meatre sticks, rulers and measuring tapes to measure the length of lots of different things in the classroom and around the school!  

4 Feb

We have been focusing on procedure writing since January! We have baked, given directions around Bray and completed S.T.E.M activities. After each activity, we’ve written up the procedure. Here’s a look at how we got on.  

3 Feb

First class have been learning loads about wind. We drew excellent windmills and surrounded them with our facts we found out about windmills in Ireland! We then tried to grind wheat into flour ourselves to test how a windmill works inside- we used a pestle and mortar to do this. We also made our own windmills to test the speed of the wind. Take a look:  

2 Feb

We have been working very hard on our procedural writing in 2nd class. The children worked in pairs to plan and make their healthy smoothies. They were delicious!  

2 Feb

This month in 4th Class we have been researching and learning all about Italy. We have been learning about Mount Vesuvius and the ancient Roman city of Pompeii.  For our STEM activity this month we made our own volcanoes. As part of our procedural writing, we made our own delicious pizzas. We made a list of the equipment, ingredients and steps needed to make pitta pizzas🍕  

1 Feb

For St Brigid’s day we learnt all about St Brigid’s life. We sequenced pictures of her life in teams. After this we designed our own cloak. Take a look at some of our designs: