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18 Mar

Engineers Week 2020 This year for Engineering week, 4th Class took a trip to Bray Library to meet with a local Bray Engineer to learn about the important role of being an engineer.                                                                                                            We learned... 

6 Mar

Each year St Peters has a proud tradition in exploring all the rudiments of the wonderful world of STEM/Science and of entering the ESB Science Blast. This year was no different. As an innovative 6th class we have a great interest in sports and fitness and so chose to look at how we could improve our general health . Researching under the science stand of Living Things, this idea then evolved and became more specific as we looked into which type of training improves our 10 metre sprint times the most. We began the hard work in October and worked diligently over 16 training sessions... 

2 Mar

Recently, we were very excited to receive a visit from Sophie from Microsoft Ireland. Sophie taught us all about the importance of coding in today’s world. We really enjoy learning with technology in St Peter’s and we love to try out new tools and ways of learning. We really enjoyed our visit from Sophie – her Minecraft workshop was fascinating and made us think about it in a whole new light! Since Sophie’s visit, we’ve been working...