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3 Mar


2 Mar

Slightly delayed St Peter’s Post this weekend! You can blame the CESI (Computers in Education Society of Ireland) Conference in Galway yesterday. The theme was ‘Spark the Imagination’ and they really did! We’ve come back with lots of very cool ways to enhance ICT in St Peter’s! The headlines from this week are: Check out 2nd class and their fantastic version of Riverdance here. It’s the annual Book Fair starting tomorrow (Monday)! Get all the details from Ms Sugrue or check out this post. In related news, we started a countdown to World Book Day. Count it down... 

1 Mar

2nd Class have been learning about the first Moon Landing in History. In July 1969, three American men set off in their spaceship Apollo 11. They wanted to get to the moon. Their names were Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong. They had a landing craft called Eagle. They wore special spacesuits on the moon so that they could breathe. Neil Armstrong said ‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ when he walked on the moon. He bounced and walked in a funny way because there is only 1/6 of the Earth’s gravity on the Moon. It has become one of the...